Home / Tekflo® Blog / 5 Reasons To Choose An Air Blade Hand Dryer

Your Air Blade Hand Dryer Doesn’t Need To Be Expensive

Since the dramatic revolution of hand dryer design, there has been a sudden upsurge in the quality and speed of hand drying. Invariably, there are some vast price differences across the air blade hand dryer market.

Historically, those who invent a product, are not necessarily the ones who perfect it and their costs can easily escalate as other companies improve upon the original concept. Think about Betamax vs VHS or HD Disc vs Blu-Ray.

Closer to home, Tekflo® have perfected the design and efficiency of air blade technology and are proud to have created the Tekflo® Blade®, it is ‘The UK’s Most Affordable Hands-In Blade Hand Dryer”.

air blade hand dryer

So how have we perfected the technology? What makes Tekflo® stand out from the competitors and market leaders?

Here’s five simple reasons for you to choose the Tekflo® Blade hand dryer:

  1. It’s Super-Fast
  2. Shh, it’s Quiet
  3. Switchable Eco Setting
  4. Totally Hands-Free
  5. Best Value Blade in UK

#1 – The Tekflo® Blade Is Fast

Our in-hands Blade fast hand dryer has been developed to be super quick. And when we say quick, we mean, sing the song “happy birthday to you” and you’re all dry! That’s all it takes, 8 seconds from sopping wet to bone dry.

There’s nothing worse than experiencing a slow, broken or inefficient hand dryer it can affect staff morale. This can also be affected by small things like how soft the toilet paper is, the brand of coffee available in the canteen and how slow the hand dryers are.

These seemingly innocuous issues can have a knock-on effect on the way staff and visitors perceive you and your company. An efficient hand dryer says, ‘we know you’re in a hurry, don’t let us keep you!’ Whereas, slow dryers impact upon staff morale, work efficiency and can ultimately nibble away at your profit margins.

#2 – The Tekflo® Blade Is Quiet

Finding silence is becoming increasingly difficult in a world dealing with a population explosion. Open plan offices don’t help as they don’t often do enough to minimise sound transference. Studded walls are rarely sound-proof and so a noisy hand dryer only adds to the frustration office workers can experience.

The Tekflo® Blade is the quietest blade hand dryer on the market, with a noise output of just 68dB this is less than a standard vacuum cleaner and within the usual noise levels for a normal conversation. It is also means that it is the perfect hand drying solution for quiet locations like galleries and libraries as well as venues where noise can cause a disruption such as restaurants, hotels, cinemas and theatres.

#3 – The Tekflo® Blade Has An Eco Setting

Following COP26 and the Government’s renewed commitment to drive down carbon emissions whilst working towards a carbon neutral target, each company has a duty to manage their own carbon footprint. This affects every sphere of business, not least the purchasing of appliances. The Air Blade Hand Dryer is equipped with an eco setting which means you can set it to blow cooler air in warmer months when air temperature is naturally higher.

Switching to cool mode does not affect the performance of the dryer except that it might take a second or two longer to dry but it does drastically affect your energy consumption and ultimately gives you a lower energy bill.

#4 – The Tekflo® Air Blade Hand Dryer Is Hands-Free

In a new, post-Covid, hygiene-conscious era, minimising the amount of surfaces we need to touch in communal areas is key to minimising the spread of airborne diseases and viral infections. The Air Blade is an entirely hands-free hand dryer. Operated automatically, you just place your hands palm inwards between the two blades of air. These hygienic hand dryers are designed so that the water droplets which are blown from the surface of your hands fall into the dryer into a tray where they collect and can then be cleaned without creating a damp, slippery surface on the floor.

Positioned lower on the wall to a standard hands-under dryer, the hands-in Blade sits waist height making it an ideal able-bodied and disabled washroom hand dryer solution.

#5 – The Tekflo® Blade® Is The UK’s Most Affordable Hands-In Dryer

We don’t pluck these quotes out of the air, they are real and factually accurate. Our Tekflo® Air Blade® hand dryer is the UK’s most affordable hands-in blade hand dryer. The market leader costs twice as much as our model, which is all very well if you’re only buying one or two, but if you need bulk order hand dryers, costs can soon spiral beyond your control. We offer 5% off for every 5 hand dryers bought, 10% for every 10, meaning you save by buying bulk and by dealing direct with Tekflo®, the manufacturer. Don’t compromise by buying a cheap inefficient dryer, and don’t pay over the odds, buy the UK’s quietest, most affordable hand dryer*.

Many specifiers will just go for the brand that they know without taking budget and efficiency into consideration. Our Blade is designed for the bulk order market to give you power, performance, reliability and cost-efficiency in all your hand dryer purchases. Contact us at Tekflo® today to discuss our bulk order discounts and convenient delivery arrangements.

*Most affordable hands-in Blade hand dryer; data correct as of 20 May 2022.

air blade hand dryer
air blade hand dryer
air blade hand dryer