Home / Tekflo® Blog / Making Sure Every Hand Dryer Meets Every Customer’s Needs

In a nutshell

We love that moment when our client’s eyes widen when they realise that they can afford hand dryers – and see that they’ll save money. On this occasion, we talked various options through with our client to ensure they had the perfect solution to meet their needs and budget.

The client

The Centre for Nutrition Education & Lifestyle Management (CNELM) is a private centre specialising in higher education courses in nutrition. Following a recent expansion and relocation to new premises, they contacted us to discuss their new requirement for hand dryers.

The story

CNELM wanted to give guests and visitors the most hygienic solution for drying their hands. They knew that a hand dryer was a better solution than conventional paper towels, but needed some guidance on the most appropriate dryer for their needs and budget. We met with them to discuss their requirements and talk through the available options.

It was decided that the Tekflo® Blade hand dryer was the best-fit solution. It provided quick, efficient hygienic drying. It also had another advantage over other more conventional units… whereas in some units of this type, excess water is liable to dribble down the side of the unit, the Blade contains a water tray designed to capture all wastewater.

CNELM got the hygienic hand dryer they wanted. And the easy installation process meant that they were all installed and fully functional in double quick time


“Tekflo® helped us make sense of the hand dryer options available to us. They also helped us find a product that was fit for our requirement. The Blade Hand Dryers look fantastic, tick all of the boxes for us and I was told by the installation team that they were very easy to install which was a nice bonus”.

hand dryer
hand drying
hand dryers