Home / Tekflo® Blog / Top Five Methods Of Hand Drying

Hand drying and its importance in preventing the spread of disease and infection has been given greater priority in recent months. There are many ways to dry your hands. So, what are the chart-toppers in the world of hand drying?

Well, dropping down to number five we have the old shake-wipe method. Popular amongst men, this is the ultimate time-saver when looking to dry your hands. Not particularly hygienic though as it scatters water droplets and residual bacteria all over your bathroom!

A throwback at number four… Once a hit with toilets all over is The Rolling Cloths. They are a classic but sadly leave users with No Satisfaction as cloths remain damp for long periods, harbouring germs and bacteria.

Number three is the good old hand towel. Cotton towels, whilst very useful in the modern home, are very expensive to launder and keep clean and quickly become a source of further dirt as they harbour moisture and bacteria.

In at number two, a little bit more hygienic is the paper towel. Disposable to reduce bacteria, the paper towel has failed to hit the top spot due to its controversial contribution to paper waste and the destruction of trees. Constantly needing to be replaced, paper towels are not a viable option for an environmentally conscious modern business.

Staying at number one for an unprecedented 15 years it’s the hand dryer. Able to dry your hands in a matter of seconds whilst minimising waste and bacteria, the hand dryer is by far the most successful method of hand drying in the UK and the world alike.

Tekflo® offer the very highest in quality hand dryers, challenging market-leading brands with their quality, service and their competitive pricing. To order your automatic hand dryers, call 01530 382 160 or order online today!

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hand drying
hand drying